Thursday, August 11, 2005

TriBrass to play Triadelphia August 27

Hello members of the Triadelphia Brass,

As I mentioned this evening, we have been asked to play for church August 27, providing special music. I don't know who the organist will be: David, could you check on that?

For special music we can play the Chesnekoff "Salvation is Created" or the Dvorak "Gloria."

** Update **

Actually, the Chesnekoff will be problematic, since it takes 6 parts, and Milton and his music will not be with us on the 27th.

As Geri reminded me, we should also prepare a special music for Sabbath School.

Game Night at the Ashton's Home

Hello friends,

Based on the responses received so far, August 27 looks like a good evening for our get together. So the invitation now reads as follows:

You are invited


Sabbath Supper

(Pakastani Curry)


Hymn Sing

followed by

Game Night

this time featuring


beginning around

6:00 PM


August 27

Please RSVP by posting a comment here or sending e-mail to

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Need string players August 20

Hello String Players,

We have an opportunity to play prelude and offertory at the Sligo church on August 20. Are you open? When can we practice together? What repertoire would you like to play?

Please leave a comment here in the weblog or reply to

I'll add to this list as I hear from you.
  • Evonne B.
  • Daniel A.
  • Celisti
  • Myles
  • Jamey M.
  • Anastasia Z.
** UPDATE **

We have rehearsals tentatively scheduled for Friday, August 12 and August 19, at 7 PM at the Beltsville SDA church. Repertoire may include a little Ravel or Holst.

If I haven't heard from you yet, please reply or post a comment to let me know if you're interested.

** UPDATE **

The second rehearsal will be at 7:00 PM in the choir room of the Sligo church. (Please be early.)

We will be playing for both first and second services, so please arrive at the church by 8:15 Sabbath morning.