Monday, May 10, 2004

Chamber Music Concept

This is an idea I've been mulling over for some time, and it came back to me this morning. It seems appropriate to discuss it in this time when people are talking about buying or building houses. The idea is incomplete, as if I'm seeing only some pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps you can see other pieces. What I see is this:
Prepare a small auditorium that comfortably stages about eight string players and a concert grand, a stage smaller than Ackerman. Prepare very informal seating arrangements, perhaps in a steep amphitheatre style. Offer weekly (or nightly?) non-concerts, events to which the public is invited, (advertisements?) but it's understood that the musicians are not strictly performing. They may stop and restart a movement, for example. The audience should be comfortable bringing books or laptops or other quiet occupations, and are free to enter and exit as needed, i.e. concert protocol need not apply. In some cases the players might start with a more difficult work, and finish with something more approachable, for which more players could sit in.
I have a strong visualization of how the hall should look. I think the concept ties strongly to the Octet reading at CMW Saturday night. I think some of the motivation is that so many people seem to appreciate the music we make, and we appreciate a live audience. As word of the event got out, more players could join.

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