Monday, April 25, 2005

Brass @ Triadelphia 4/30 Update

Hello friends,

This evening in rehearsal we selected the following pieces:

Sabbath School
  Special Music: Sweet Hour of Prayer
Worship Service
Prelude: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Call to Worship: Dear Lord and Father
Special Music: Deep River
Postlude: Little Fugue

At this point I wish to avoid having an extra rehearsal Friday evening or Sabbath morning. However, I cannot deny the possibility that it would help us. But, if Joel can't be there,…

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I think it makes sense to put you on part 4, the upper tuba/bass trombone part, and I'll take part 5, the lower tuba part. However, part 4 is sometimes too low for a three-valve baritone (or a tenor trombone) so I suggest that you play it on your tuba. It should still take less breath than the lower part.

Besides, you've been practicing the Little Fugue on your tuba. Switching instruments would probably add unnecessary opportunities for confusion.