Friday, May 07, 2004

A What!?!

In recent conversation someone (not one of our team) referred to my musical interests as a habit to be supported, i.e. an addiction as to drugs. The point being made was that Vicki deserves applause, kudos, mad props, etc. for putting up with all that I'm involved in. And that point was spot-on.

But I've been trying to shake the analogy, and it hasn't been easy. Is music an addiction for me? Do I selfishly pursue it? If so, should I go into rehab? Quit cold turkey?

These are certainly different terms than I normally use to describe the activities that keep me busy and happy.

I write in the first person, but I suppose these questions could be asked by any of us. Are we developing and using God's gifts according to His will? Can we exploit this gift of music more effectively? When does it become selfish? or a habit? or an addiction?

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